

Partenariat Kansas U (réservé mobilité) : Performing material technologies for an advanced architecture (intégralement en anglais) - Pierre Engel, Dorothée Sipp

Semestre 7

Enseignant(s) : Dorothée Sipp,Pierre Engel

  • Année : 4
  • Semestre : 7
  • E.C.T.S : 6
  • Coefficient : 1,00
  • Compensable : oui
  • Stage : non
  • Session de rattrapage : oui
  • Mode : option
  • Affilié à un groupe : non

Objectifs pédagogiques

Course Goals:


Based on lectures and practical studies, this course is developed for students wishing to carry out an in-depth study on the relationship between advanced technology, structure and materials. At the end of the semester, students will have gained knowledge in construction (structural systems, details, materials) completed by a methodological approach allowing them to use this experience in their future projects.


This year's topic: A flagship office on the « Berlier Industrial Hôtel »


Located in the immediate vicinity of the ENSAPVS, the « Hôtel Berlier »(Dominique Perrault Architect, 1990) is now part of a neighborhood undergoing major changes (Bruneseau project, Jean Nouvel's Duo Towers). The recent change in urban reglementation removing height restriction offers the opportunity to rethink this building’s place in the Parisian urban landscape.

In this class, this building will be considered as the base of a highly visible elevation project. The students will imagine an iconic volume housing an office program (or any other relevant kink of program) for the user of their choice. Once this volume has been defined, the studio’s work will lead to in-depth work on this project’s structure and façade.


Deliverables :


Students will have to hand-in a presentation detailing the technical, structural and methodological aspects of their project (3D structural diagram, analysis of the relationship to the existing building, making-of the structure, connection details, facade details, etc.).




- Guide de la réhabilitation à l’usage des architectes et des ingénieurs (470 pages), Pierre Engel, Paris Décembre 2010.

- Un bâtiment, combien de vies ? La transformation comme acte de création, Silvana Editoriale/Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine, février 2015

- Créer dans le créé L'architecture contemporaine dans les bâtiments anciens , Maheu-Viennot Isabelle, Robert Philippe, Edité par Electa Moniteur, Milan Paris, 1986

- Construire dans l’existant, Christian Schittlich rédaction de DETAIL, Birkhäuser Libri , janvier 2013

Informations supplémentaires

Specific handouts distributed to students